CSD Oz Forecast
When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully. - Samuel Johnson

Oz Forecast
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Tasmania Weather Radar, Satellite and Lightning Map

Radar background
Tasmania Radar Overlay
Hobart Airport: 1.2mm (last 24 hours)King Island Airport: 6.8mm (last 24 hours)Wilsons Promontory: 8.4mm (last 24 hours)Hogan Island: 4.8mm (last 24 hours)Dunalley: 6.2mm (last 24 hours)Smithton: 7.8mm (last 24 hours)Strahan: 12.2mm (last 24 hours)Ouse: 1.4mm (last 24 hours)Butlers Gorge: 12.6mm (last 24 hours)Tunnack: 5.4mm (last 24 hours)Maatsuyker Island: 1.2mm (last 24 hours)Bushy Park: 0.4mm (last 24 hours)Launceston: 1.8mm (last 24 hours)Hobart: 2.8mm (last 24 hours)Scottsdale: 2.0mm (last 24 hours)Cape Sorell: 13.0mm (last 24 hours)Hartz Mountains: 22.4mm (last 24 hours)Flinders Island Airport: 3.6mm (last 24 hours)Larapuna (Eddystone Point): 13.4mm (last 24 hours)Friendly Beaches: 10.6mm (last 24 hours)Dennes Point: 4.4mm (last 24 hours)Mount Read: 15.0mm (last 24 hours)Kennaook / Cape Grim: 4.4mm (last 24 hours)Luncheon Hill: 2.2mm (last 24 hours)Wynyard: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Scotts Peak: 11.4mm (last 24 hours)Liawenee: 4.2mm (last 24 hours)Low Rocky Point: 6.8mm (last 24 hours)Warra: 11.0mm (last 24 hours)Launceston Airport: 1.6mm (last 24 hours)Cressy: 4.2mm (last 24 hours)Campania: 12.0mm (last 24 hours)Fingal: 8.0mm (last 24 hours)Grove: 7.0mm (last 24 hours)Kunanyi /Mount Wellington: 4.4mm (last 24 hours)St Helens: 17.0mm (last 24 hours)Swan Island: 0.8mm (last 24 hours)Tasman Island: 9.8mm (last 24 hours)Maria Island: 2.6mm (last 24 hours)Tfs A: 6.6mm (last 24 hours)Pws A: 10.0mm (last 24 hours)Pws C: 6.4mm (last 24 hours)Davey Gorge (Pws): 11.4mm (last 24 hours)Dove River (Pws): 4.8mm (last 24 hours)Tfs D: 7.0mm (last 24 hours)Hobart Bushland Operations Depot (Hcc): 3.4mm (last 24 hours)Ross (Tfs): 0.6mm (last 24 hours)Waratah (Tfs): 8.2mm (last 24 hours)Mount Victoria (Una Plain): 6.0mm (last 24 hours)Mount Barrow (South Barrow): 8.0mm (last 24 hours)Deloraine Railway Bridge (Meander River): 2.2mm (last 24 hours)Strathbridge (Meander River): 5.0mm (last 24 hours)Corra Linn (North Esk River): 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Meander (Meander River): 2.2mm (last 24 hours)Nunamara Offtake (St Patricks River): 5.4mm (last 24 hours)Westwood Bridge (Meander River): 5.8mm (last 24 hours)Hummocky Hills: 1.4mm (last 24 hours)Deddington (Nile River): 9.6mm (last 24 hours)Mount Arthur Summit: 2.0mm (last 24 hours)Lewis Hill (St Pauls River): 7.4mm (last 24 hours)Tooms Lake (Tooms River): 4.8mm (last 24 hours)Upper Blessington: 1.8mm (last 24 hours)Upper Esk (South Esk River): 0.6mm (last 24 hours)Gray (Dalmayne Rd): 11.4mm (last 24 hours)Monameta  (Mathinna Rd): 2.2mm (last 24 hours)Grindstone Point: 4.6mm (last 24 hours)Copping (Yaxley Estate): 12.4mm (last 24 hours)Little Swanport (Lisdillon Farm): 1.8mm (last 24 hours)Buckland (Brockley Road): 6.8mm (last 24 hours)Triabunna (Salmons Flats): 2.4mm (last 24 hours)Nugent (Twilight Valley Tbrg): 19.8mm (last 24 hours)Llewellyn (South Esk River): 1.8mm (last 24 hours)Birralee Creek: 2.2mm (last 24 hours)Mount Seymour: 4.2mm (last 24 hours)Ross (Macquarie River): 1.0mm (last 24 hours)Mount Morriston (Macquarie River): 1.6mm (last 24 hours)Fosterville: 2.0mm (last 24 hours)Judbury (Huon River): 5.4mm (last 24 hours)Below Craigbourne Dam (Coal River): 3.2mm (last 24 hours)Tea Tree Point: 4.2mm (last 24 hours)Bothwell (Clyde River): 1.8mm (last 24 hours)Tim Shea (Summit): 7.2mm (last 24 hours)Verwood (Isis River): 0.4mm (last 24 hours)Derwent Bridge: 9.6mm (last 24 hours)The Den: 0.8mm (last 24 hours)Borradaile Plains: 1.4mm (last 24 hours)Iris River: 1.4mm (last 24 hours)Perth (South Esk): 1.8mm (last 24 hours)Ballroom (North Esk River): 12.6mm (last 24 hours)Lake Gairdner Dam: 0.4mm (last 24 hours)U/S West Channel (Liffey River): 14.2mm (last 24 hours)Edith Creek 600m U/S Duck River Confluence: 1.4mm (last 24 hours)Gawler River At Cradle Coast Water Supply: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Rubicon At Elizabeth Town: 1.4mm (last 24 hours)Pipers River D/S Yarrow Creek: 0.4mm (last 24 hours)Little Forester D/S Denison River: 3.0mm (last 24 hours)Poatina Tailrace Cnl No.1 Drop: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Killymoon (Break ODay River): 5.6mm (last 24 hours)Above Avoca (St Pauls River): 1.4mm (last 24 hours)Cradle Valley (Waldheim): 9.8mm (last 24 hours)Irishtown (St Patricks Head Rd): 11.2mm (last 24 hours)Mount St John: 11.4mm (last 24 hours)Cannells Hill: 7.0mm (last 24 hours)Carlton River At Tidal Limit: 6.2mm (last 24 hours)Newbury: 2.0mm (last 24 hours)Salvation Ck (Florentine Rv): 7.8mm (last 24 hours)Misery Plateau: 9.6mm (last 24 hours)National Park (Weir Road): 1.8mm (last 24 hours)Styx (Waterfall Creek Road): 8.0mm (last 24 hours)Mount Lloyd Road: 1.8mm (last 24 hours)Pine Tree Rivulet (Lake Highway): 2.8mm (last 24 hours)Lake Augusta East: 3.2mm (last 24 hours)Gowan Brae (Hec No1): 4.0mm (last 24 hours)Narcissus River (Hec No 1): 14.4mm (last 24 hours)Interlaken: 4.8mm (last 24 hours)Lake Gwendy: 2.2mm (last 24 hours)Miena (Hydro Tas): 6.2mm (last 24 hours)Woods Lake Dam (Lake Rv): 3.6mm (last 24 hours)Maggs Mountain: 2.4mm (last 24 hours)Fisher River Above Lake Mackenzie: 3.8mm (last 24 hours)Dee Lagoon: 8.8mm (last 24 hours)Bradys Lake: 6.6mm (last 24 hours)Deep Creek Cut Marlborough Hwy: 9.8mm (last 24 hours)Great Lake East No.2 Site: 3.4mm (last 24 hours)Strathgordon (Works Office): 12.4mm (last 24 hours)Henty Canal Chainage 407: 13.0mm (last 24 hours)Plimsoll Lake Leakage Weir-Levee Dam: 5.4mm (last 24 hours)Reece Dam Meteorological: 15.4mm (last 24 hours)Margaret Lake Dam: 4.4mm (last 24 hours)Darwin Dam Meteorological: 11.0mm (last 24 hours)Que River Pluvio Meteorological: 7.6mm (last 24 hours)Zeehan Meteorological: 12.8mm (last 24 hours)Howards Plain Meteorological: 11.0mm (last 24 hours)Waratah Meteorological: 9.6mm (last 24 hours)Burbury Pluvio Nr Bradshaw Bridge: 14.0mm (last 24 hours)Fools Ridge (Mt Picton): 14.6mm (last 24 hours)North Boomerang (Mt Bobs): 23.8mm (last 24 hours)

This Tasmania storm tracker displays the fusion of radar, satellite, bushire hotspot detections, lightning and surface observations. The background map is actual true-colour imagery from low earth orbit satellites from recent days and will update automatically. Some areas may appear grey if no recent imagery is available, e.g. due to persistent cloud cover or bushfire smoke. Detected lightning is shown by yellow lightning icons. Arrows represent wind speed and direction observations from ground-based weather stations, with red arrows showing wind gusts >65km/h, while the small coloured dots indicate weather station rainfall measurements over the previous 24 hour period, in millimetres, according to the scale at the bottom. You may hover the mouse over these coloured dots or click for additional weather information. The weather radar reflectivity data, which also follows the colour sequence legend at the bottom, is a composite from multiple Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) weather radar sites. Real-time satellite cloud imagery is originally processed by the BOM from the geostationary satellite Himawari-9 operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency. Fire hotspots detections are included from four spacecraft, courtesy of NASA and JAXA. Older hotspots will appear as orange while real-time detections will be coloured red. Less intense fires are displayed as more transparent.

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