CSD Oz Forecast
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can make a fool of yourself anytime.

Oz Forecast
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South Australia Weather Radar, Satellite and Lightning Map

Radar background
South Australia Radar Overlay
Ernabella/Pukatja: 1.4mm (last 24 hours)Oodnadatta: 0.4mm (last 24 hours)Nuriootpa: 0.4mm (last 24 hours)Fowlers Gap: 5.0mm (last 24 hours)Broken Hill Airport: 7.6mm (last 24 hours)Mildura: 0.8mm (last 24 hours)Smithville: 2.2mm (last 24 hours)Portland Airport: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Warrnambool: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Moomba Airport: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Birdsville: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Tibooburra Airport: 11.0mm (last 24 hours)Ballera: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Point Avoid: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Roxby Downs: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Robe Airport: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Pallamana: 1.0mm (last 24 hours)Walpeup: 1.6mm (last 24 hours)Cooinda: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Waterloo East (Schutz Road): 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Nuriootpa: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Greenock Alert: 1.4mm (last 24 hours)Ngapala: 1.6mm (last 24 hours)Milton Park (Cornbrook): 1.0mm (last 24 hours)Belair: 0.4mm (last 24 hours)Crafers West: 0.8mm (last 24 hours)Sutton Creek: 1.4mm (last 24 hours)Sedan Hill Rndsup: 2.2mm (last 24 hours)Arcoona Bluff: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)Mt Lofty Rain (Dew): 2.0mm (last 24 hours)Freeling: 0.2mm (last 24 hours)

This South Australia storm tracker displays the fusion of radar, satellite, bushire hotspot detections, lightning and surface observations. The background map is actual true-colour imagery from low earth orbit satellites from recent days and will update automatically. Some areas may appear grey if no recent imagery is available, e.g. due to persistent cloud cover or bushfire smoke. Detected lightning is shown by yellow lightning icons. Arrows represent wind speed and direction observations from ground-based weather stations, with red arrows showing wind gusts >65km/h, while the small coloured dots indicate weather station rainfall measurements over the previous 24 hour period, in millimetres, according to the scale at the bottom. You may hover the mouse over these coloured dots or click for additional weather information. The weather radar reflectivity data, which also follows the colour sequence legend at the bottom, is a composite from multiple Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) weather radar sites. Real-time satellite cloud imagery is originally processed by the BOM from the geostationary satellite Himawari-9 operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency. Fire hotspots detections are included from four spacecraft, courtesy of NASA and JAXA. Older hotspots will appear as orange while real-time detections will be coloured red. Less intense fires are displayed as more transparent.

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